Dear Daytonian
The Dayton Metropolitan area totals around 800,000 residents and being that large brings along most of the amenities of the larger cities, but without most of the hassles they live with daily. Combined with Midwest sensibilities, life here is easy, but if you're a Daytonian that doesn't get around much, you might not know how weird things can get out there. If you live elsewhere, you might not realize how comfortable and affordable life in Dayton is. That's the purpose of this weekly blog.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Mile-Based Exit Numbers
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Indiana Cold Beer
Dear Daytonian,
Headed to a friend's house to have a few brewskies, but out of suds to bring? No problem in Ohio, just stop in any gas station or convenience store and grab a cold six-pack. But if your friend is over the border in Indiana, don't wait until you get close to their house. You see, only liquor stores in Indiana can sell cold beer. What?!? True. You can buy beer at those more convenient places, but they have to sell it warm.
You might want to consider inviting your Indiana friends to your house in our friendlier Ohio.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Stealth Toll Booth
After a road trip, if you get a bill for an unpaid toll, perhaps you've encountered a "stealth" toll booth.
During a trip late last year to North Carolina, I saw toll signs but never saw a toll booth, so I thought I just misinterpreted what I saw and just forgot about it. A few months later I get a bill from NC Quick Pass for $1.12 and it took me awhile to figure out what it was for, as I knew I didn't run a toll booth. Since the location was included on the bill, I used Google Street View to go find the toll booth and after going back and forth several times I finally figured out it. I had never seen this type of toll "arch" before and I certainly hope they don't become popular. You can see it for yourself at the link below.
One more reason to love Dayton, Ohio.,-78.8679726,3a,75y,184.75h,100.92t/am=t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sadG_renXN8JZkDrpc-VkBA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i41
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
States Taxing Social Security
Way back in 1984, the federal government began taxing Social Security benefits, but did you know that thirteen states, not including Ohio thank goodness, also tax those benefits to varying degrees. The worst offenders are the eclectic combination of Minnesota, North Dakota, Vermont and West Virginia, which mirror the federal tax rules. Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Connecticut and Rhode Island have their own individual rules, all different of course.
I guess some states just want to tax you twice on the same money.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Driving On The Left
I'm happy to say that every state in the United States drives on the right side of the road. Lucky us.
Did you know that 31% of the countries in the world drive on the left side, including England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan and South Africa, 75 countries in all. Normally, but not always, the steering wheel, as shown below, is located on the right side of the car. The stick shift, for those brave enough, is on your left-hand, but shifts in the familiar pattern, and the pedals are also the same, accelerator in the right, clutch on the left. Thank goodness.
Left turns are easy, just like our right turns. The slow lane is the left lane and entrance and exit ramps are left. You drive slightly right-of-center, instead of slightly left-of-center, to keep even between the lane lines. And to make things really fun, roads tend to be much narrower than here at home.
If you decide to give it a try, I strongly recommend buying the rental car agency's insurance protection and packing some anti-anxiety medication.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Downtown Parking
We all know that parking is plentiful in downtown Dayton with over 13,000 spaces between garages, surface lots and parking meters. We pay in the $4 range for two hours of parking during weekdays and love that meters are free on weekends and after 6 p.m. weekdays. Don't expect that love to follow you everywhere.
According to Parkopedia (full report at the link below), New York City leads the world in costly parking, coming in at $32.97 for two hours and $606.37 for monthly privileges. Other U.S. cities that will cost you more than $10 for two hours are Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Detroit and Los Angeles.
Maybe I'm crazy, but having a car payment and a monthly parking bill for about the same amount of money just seems wrong.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Express Toll Lanes
Another traffic-related, government gotcha that you don't see anywhere around here, because our worst traffic is not that bad, are Express Toll Lanes. They cater to the well-off traveller or business person on a friendly expense account that doesn't want to wait in traffic like the rest of us. Unlike your regular toll road, these managed lanes use variable pricing, getting more expensive as demand increases to keep those lanes flowing well while everyone else fumes as they inch along to their destination. The rules vary from route to route, so read up at the link below to carefully plan your next driving vacation. Or just suck it up and drive at night.
Mile-Based Exit Numbers
Dear Daytonian, Exit numbers in Ohio are useful for more than just knowing which off-ramp to take. In the 1970s Ohio renumbered from sequen...

Dear Daytonian, Way back in 1984, the federal government began taxing Social Security benefits, but did you know that thirteen states, not...
Dear Daytonian, Exit numbers in Ohio are useful for more than just knowing which off-ramp to take. In the 1970s Ohio renumbered from sequen...
Dear Daytonian, Headed to a friend's house to have a few brewskies, but out of suds to bring? No problem in Ohio, just stop in any gas ...